
Friday, August 3, 2012

The Competitive Advantage of Chinese Packaging Machine in International Markets

China's food and packaging machinery is famous for the "affordable" reputation in the international market. "Export" has become a channel for many companies to obtain greater living space, a new profit growth point in many companies. "Numbers" once again confirms the strong development momentum of China's food and packaging machinery industry.

However, steel and other raw materials prices, the new "Labor Law" after the implementation of the employment system reform, the RMB appreciation ... the effect of multiple factors, corporate profits is getting increasingly thin, how China's food and packaging machinery can continue to maintain competitive advantage in the international market? This once again raised the concern of the industry.

Transfer from "big power" to "strong power"
From "small" to "large", from bottom to top, the export of food and packaging machinery cover the existing product range. Different levels of food and packaging machinery have different sales markets.

For products with independent intellectual property rights, we not only have the price advantage also has technical advantages. Such equipment is popular in the international market. Enterprises have a very high rate of return. There is a corporate developed "auto-fill packaging machine can make it vacuum in the vacuum chamber. Germany has similar equipment, but need to vacuum in the room rate only 70% of our products, the price is 5 times. Even so, the device exports can bring more than 200 percent profit margins.

Representative of the high-end products - complete sets of equipment, a representative is aseptic cold filling equipment. It represents a high level of packaging machinery in the international arena. We have exported to Japan and other countries more than a dozen production lines. For such high-end products, many people have questioned whether China to have such technical capabilities, the facts speaks for themselves. The products have withstood the test. Japan and the purchaser return the acceptance report prove the technical capabilities of our high-end products. Such products have a steady stream of foreign orders.

Large demand for the products in domestic market, on the technology international market with less demand, the two together promote the status of the packaging machinery producing countries. The competitive advantage of Chinese products in international markets is mainly of "price advantage". "Technology" is "Achilles heel" of the export of China's food and packaging machinery. China should encourage the technical reference rather than copying to improve the product technology expanding overseas markets.

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