
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Different Types of Gate Valves

Are you looking for a provider of Gate Valves? First of all, you should know the differences between the different types of gate valves.

The rising stem and the non rising stem gate valve are the two different types of valves commonly used in most of the places today. The rising stem valve is identified by a threaded shaft which is rotated by a handle fixed in the centre. The stem or the shaft rises when the handle is rotated. It rises when the valve is opened and descends when the valve is closed. So it is easy to identify the position of the valve by length of shaft above.

The other variety of it includes the non rising stem valve which is used in places where there is space constraint. It is mostly used in underground pipes. Rotating the handles to the left opens the valves fully whereas rotating it to the right closes the valves completely. The stem of the valve does not rise while opening and closing it.

Another advantage of using it includes the use of a single padlock to open and close the valve whereas in the rising stem valve, two padlocks are necessary. Gate valve is available in different varieties in many of the leading online stores. gate valve Buyers, Products Directory.

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