
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Development Prospects Of Food Packaging Machinery Followed As Increasingly Rich Function

With China's rapid economic development and the improvement of the quality of life, the domestic demand for microwave foods, snack foods and frozen foods, convenience foods is increasing, which will drive demand for food packing machine, so that sustain growth by the domestic food and packaging machine industry. Expecting to 2010, total output value of China food and packaging machinery industry will reach 130 billion yuan, while the market demand may reach 200 billion yuan.

 Food safety is a major problem of the people's livelihood, and as well the importance of food packaging is also undoubted. Behind the food supply meet China's 1.3 billion people is a huge amount of food packaging machinery market. Meanwhile, food and its packaging requirements are also improving by consumers. Among them, the high level of security occupies a foremost position. Food from packaging materials to packaging, from environmental requirements to mark disposal, the treatment get more stringent. Therefore, the industry needs to attach great importance to and vigorously develop the food packaging machinery to meet the health and safety requirements.

The modern consumer pursue the richness of the food taste, food production tend to be more variety, small batch. Corresponding to this situation, with a variety of functions, a variety of packaging materials and mold to adapt be able to meet market demand. Packaging machinery has good flexibility. Improving the degree of automation need a large number of microcomputer technology, module and unit combinations. For example, the German production of the bag vacuum packaging machine, integrate set bag, weighing, filling, vacuum sealing and other functions into one.

 Research and development of food packaging machinery is moving towards high-speed, multi-functional development and control of intelligent direction to meet market demand. In order to meet delivery requirements and the needs of reducing the process flow cost, the future food packaging machinery carries out high-speed production. Some products require packaging machinery connected production machinery. In addition, you must reduce the rejection rate and failure rate, so that normal productivity can be improved. The trend is to make the packaging machinery to further intelligent.

In the future, industrial robotics, microelectronics, computers, intelligent, and image sensor technology will be more and more widely used to promote packaging machinery automated level. The prospects for the development of China's packaging machinery will also be brighter.

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