
Monday, August 6, 2012

Mold Development Strategy and Industrial Transfer Characteristics

"Export-led" and "project-led" is one of the important strategic of mold industry "12th Five-Year" development. Under the guidance of this Significant strategy, mold market development get obvious effectiveness: In the international markets, traditional markets, emerging markets and the edge market which is not being taken seriously in the past has been the development of export destinations for the growing number of Chinese mold, and now over 170 countries and regions. In the mainland, the same time with development of the car lighter, new energy, aerospace, rail transportation, medical devices, intelligent manufacturing, LED lighting and display other fields, and large, sophisticated, efficient, high-performance mold research, the mold level has also been improved.

Compared with other machining, there are certain of particularity:
1, most of the mold need processing complex shape of the space surface into the solid core metal mould, with the mold development to the large-scale, the module weight is growing, and now some have reached dozens of tons.
2, most of the mold shape is rectangular or cube, there is little long and narrow shape. The main processing is concentrated in the die and punch.
3, mold products require more sophisticated, complex. Mold machining accuracy requirements are also increasing.
4, with the user requirements for mold production cycle is getting shorter, the mold is necessary to meet the efficient, fast, and some flexibility and in a long time at full capacity without downtime requirements.

The mold industry is closely related with the development of other industries. And thus the enhancement of the mold industry as a whole is closely related to the development of related industries. In recent years, the domestic machinery and mold industry transfer, investment and construction have northward west trend. Nearly 20 industries is accelerating the transfer to the mainland coastal areas. Mechanical processing industry accounted for 21.8%, accounted for 17.6 percent is the toy industry, instrumentation, plastic, mold accounted for 7.6%.

Most striking hot spot for investment in central China, Wuhan mold International Industrial Park project is in accordance with the industrial chain division of labor, group business model investment to build the cooperative system of trade integration. That is processing, distribution, display synchronization, trade, business, living as one, the formation of mold material sales design manufacturing and processing accessories Products tryout train division of labor system.

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