
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Along with the role and status of the mold industry in the national economy growing and improving the national manufacturing industry, the mold industry as the mother of the Chinese manufacturing, as a basic cornerstone of supporting the development of China's manufacturing industry. to revitalize the equipment manufacturing industry, energy and materials, to change the production mode of growth and restructuring, all need to develop mold
Molds have the following three advantages: 

Advanced equipment: advanced technology, new technology can be widely used in the industry quickly; from the design and manufacture of material production, heat treatment, the formation of the industrial chain with advantages of integration. The metal mold companies due to insufficient funds and lack of its own brand, metal mold enterprises will increase investment in management and technological transformation, expanding the proportion of high-end products and the establishment of the domestic sector, and actively expand the domestic market.

Promote the metal mold industrial circular economy pilot, to reduction, reuse, and resources, with emphasis on the reduction of resource consumption and waste emissions; actively implement the comprehensive utilization of preferential policies of the national resources. Vigorously development of industrial circular economy in order to promote cleaner production is an important manifestation of the low-carbon economy.

Mold industry from the past, mainly rely on the expansion and increase in the number of extensive development mode transform to relying on technological progress and improve product quality. from digestion and absorption of international advanced technology-based development to introduce mode development model of digestion and absorption and enhance independent innovation capability of attaching equal importance to the introduction of change. From skilled based industry characteristics to technology-based and modern enterprise management. vigorously promote the development of innovation-driven, actively foster and develop a new growth point. We must develop modern manufacturing services, and actively and steadily extended the development of upstream and downstream industry chain as the core of mold manufacturing, support mold industry gather to build, pay attention to the rational distribution of coordination with the mold making industry.

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