
Friday, August 10, 2012

The world's seven big powers of molding machine industry Japan master the core technology

Japanese mold industry has maintained the position of the first mold and power country. 1998 the mold domestic total output reach a peak, say 1.8954 trillion yen. However, the 10 years since then, although the annual output value up or down, but the general situation is stagnation has not restored or exceeds 1998 levels. the number of mold manufacturing enterprises showed a decreasing trend.

Mastered the core technology in many areas, but also holds the most profitable part of the industrial chain, only leaving the profits of assembly part to the joint venture factory of most of the rest of the world market. this economic model of "industrial nation" is also worth Chinese enterprises to learn from. Current what they need to is guarding against international hedge funds and the capitalists to create public opinion, exaggerating the losses, taking the opportunity to remove their funds. That has a severe impact on the development of the global economy. If Japan's capital is pumped away, the global industry association body will be subject to very large impact.

Due to the global financial crisis and the impact of the devastating earthquake, the usage of large automotive and semiconductor industries in the Japanese mold landslide. Currently, many orders of enterprises are only 20 to 40 percent amount to its best year. Many factories started 3 to 4 days a week, some have begun to collapse. The number of enterprises is in the monthly reduction. Facing to this situation, the mold sector in Japan is very worried about brain drain, in particular, worried that some of the older and experienced personnel going abroad. The brain drains will make adversely effect in the future development of Japanese industry. How to actively respond to the current difficulties has become a major issue in Japan mold industry. Japanese mold industry as well as relevant government department already has a lot consideration in the molding machine industry's future development direction.

From a civil point of view, Japan has proposed the main six development direction: 1, as much as possible use of high and new technology to enhance digital, information level; 2, to open up the mold new fields, such as a variety of new energy, new materials, and medical aerospace and other fields; 3, extension of the mold industry chain; 4, diversified business; 5, update their knowledge; 6, do a good job in Combination with development and study, research.

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