
Friday, August 24, 2012

Cleaning machinery development in China was four directions

More awareness and use of clean machinery in various areas of the struggle for the creation of a civilized health quality living environment and clean production environment with the development of clean machinery, cleaning machinery has increasingly been various fields widely used . From pure imported to imported and domestic competition, cleaning machinery usher in an unprecedented development situation and development direction of cleaning machinery, cleaning machinery, I have the following views!

Localization. With the increase in domestic demand, the degree of localization of cleaning machinery, the localization process will be faster and faster! Cleaning machinery imports even more than comparable to the present, the technology can create quality and functionality break the ocean machinery to occupy the high-end market situation, to completely change the the cleaning machinery market structure. Domestic cleaning machinery will expand all-round competition in the market with imported clean machinery!

Second, the more popular. The pursuit of high-quality living environment and clean production environment clean machinery more and more widely used in various fields of life and production. Combined with China's sustained and stable growth, the increasing market demand for clean machinery, from the strange to the understanding, from understanding to the application, cleaning machinery is bound to usher in the popularization of development!

Third, simplistic. To popularize the application of cleaning machinery, so that everyone will use! Which requires clean the mechanical development direction simplistic! Lower threshold for the use, clean machinery like a "fool" the camera like everyone. Cleaning machinery development also requires manufacturers to produce products more convenient for people to use, in order to best meet the needs of different users. Create convenience for the user is to create wealth for themselves!

Fourth, the intensification. The cleaning machinery industry from scratch ushered in the "Hundred Flowers" situation, caused by the extensive development of clean mechanical quality and the quality of employees varies greatly! Competition in a state of disorder, brand operation is confusion, lack of continuity of effective promotion, and user plane dazzling brand, it is difficult to select the comparison. Market and industry must be changed! Intensification can eliminating the inferior elitist, centralized resources, change cleaning machinery manufacturing and operation of the status quo, the only way for the development of clean machinery!

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