
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Textile machinery: energy-saving equipment is a general trend

Recent years, along with the textile industry developed rapidly, China's textile machinery industries become the world's largest textile machinery manufacturer. Although China's textile machinery manufacturing improve very quickly, and in narrowing the gap between international foreign manufacturers in order to reduce costs, increase market share. Textile machine is accelerating the process of localization of manufacturing in China, and have established operational institutions in China, put forward rapid response capability, and full-service program. International manufacturers also showed a combination of trend. 

Therefore, China's textile manufacturing industry need to improve the core competitiveness of China's equipment manufacturing industry, to cope with more intense challenge as soon as possible.

China's textile machinery market, the number of domestic equipment accounted for 80 percent, but the proportion of sales is less than 50%. Comes to the financial crisis, the textile companies will be very difficult.

In this situation, the Textile Machine should find another outlet with smart technology to provide specific programs for resource conservation and efficiency savings. At present, increased automation, intelligent, taken into account the energy conservation is the focus of the textile enterprises, also the future focus of the textile machinery development. Meanwhile, the energy-saving processing of textile is one of the hallmarks of advanced equipment.

Market demands provide power to transformation and upgrading, and technical innovation of textile machinery enterprise especially Sewing Machine company. Textile companies are most in need of energy efficient equipment. In the future development of textile enterprises, which have high-end technology, with advanced equipment, to maintain a certain capacity for sustainable development, then who will remain invincible in the future competition. 

At present, the textile enterprises generally face recruitment difficulties, labor costs increased year by year problems. Therefore, to improve the efficiency of textile machinery and equipment, energy saving, labor has become an inevitable requirement of the textile enterprises, which is also the inevitable trend of development of textile machinery and equipment. The textile machinery manufacturing companies should increase investment in research and technological innovation and accelerate the upgrading from "manufacturing" to "create”.

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