
Friday, August 17, 2012

Asphalt is getting mature day by day, environmental design concept become the trend

China has proposed stringent environmental requirements of the state road machinery and construction products increasingly. Asphalt plant mixing plant in China is mainly used for road construction and maintenance, and development of environmentally friendly products has become a priority. Ergonomically designed to improve the operation of intelligent, reducing noise and vibration, and pay attention to the appearance of design requirements. 

Unlike other construction machinery, the users of asphalt plant machine are mostly highway department. These are mature users so that they are familiar with the strength of domestic and international production and product technologies. Foreign brands and a few domestic brands have been "deeply rooted", and has formed a brand. Several companies brand have plenty of competition, especially in the range of limitations and similar, making the enterprise competes against only by product reliability, cost-effective. 

Due to the cruelty of the market, small businesses whose size, cost, technology, quality, sales of several key factors all at a disadvantage will in not survive space. Some companies having been to stick to the local market will gradually disappear under the pressure from the big brands. And conventional products, the use of professional and strong, users are generally more mature, the ability to identify, so even with the so-called system, the small business also went through a step-by-step shrink, out of the trend has been very obvious. 

From the Chinese market recent years, domestic users are more accepted in Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. Therefore, among the China highway maintenance projects, we often see products of these countries. Foreign asphalt plant mixing equipment the shape is compact, easy to remove and transfer. In particular successfully utilize intelligent control technology make it further improved.

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