
Friday, August 31, 2012

Everything You Need to Know About Your Air Filter

An air filter is a vitally important component of your car and your home or your office. If you work in a place where air pollutants, such as smoke prevail, an air filter can lessen the rate at which you inhale the smoke infested air.

You can get air filters for your purifiers that are in cartridge form and those that aren’t in cartridge form. Air cartridge air filters need to be changed frequently in order to maintain them.
What Does an Air Filter Do?

Your car’s engine requires fresh oxygen for the combustion process that creates propulsion. Without air, your engine cannot function. However, if the engine uses unfiltered air, it can lead to a build-up of dirt and grime throughout the engine. Engines have an air filter to remove the dirt and debris from the air, delivering clean oxygen to the combustion chambers. If an air filter remains unchanged, the car will run rich, meaning it has too much gas and not enough air. That will cause it to lose horsepower and run poorly.

When and How Do I Change It?
If it’s time to replace your air filter, it’s easy. There is no need to pay a mechanic for this service. Begin by purchasing an air filter. Ensure that it was designed for your make and model of automobile. Once you have your filter in hand, follow the below steps to replace your air filter:
You’ll need a butter knife, one standard screwdriver and one Phillips screwdriver.
Park your car and pop the hood. Let the engine cool for a few minutes.
Locate the air filter encasement. It is usually a black plastic casing near the center of the engine.

There are large metal clips on the sides of the air filter encasement. Slide the butter knife between the clips and pry it open. Loosen the remainder of the encasement.
Once open, you’ll see the air filter. Remove it.

If it is excessively dirty, it should be replaced. An air filter is a cheap replacement and is well worth the expense.
Place the new air filter in the encasement and seal it up.

Regularly Examine Your Air Filter
If your car begins to run slow and sluggishly, make checking the air filter your first stop. Simply replacing the air filter can prevent many trips to the mechanic.

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