
Friday, August 3, 2012

China has increased the financial support for key projects of CNC cutting machine in the South

South China's manufacturing industry accounted for 34.8 percent of the country, the CNC machine tool industry accounted for 32.95 percent of the country. Including CNC cutting machine tools accounted for 31.28 percent of the country. According to reports, the South China CNC machine tool sales revenue accounted for about 25% of the proportion of the South China industrial. CNC cutting machine in the South China accounted for more than 11.5% of the South China Industrial. Overall the South China CNC cutting machine industry has a large market prospect and the total size will be improved. Particularly, in the machine tool quality, market development space and potential is considerable.

GDP per capita in southern China may exceed $ 3,000; industrialization rate of nearly 40%; consumption structure will also benefit from the "eat" and "wearing", "" to "live" and "transport". 2020 South China's urbanization level will be close to 50%. Implemented the industrialization mainly in situ conversion of strategic resources in the South China, will lengthen the South China industrial chain. Southern China's industrial will have a further extension to the finished products from primary products, such as deep processing of non-ferrous metals and ferrous metals. Which will increase the CNC cutting machine products (especially the demand for tools, dies and other mechanical hardware)?

It is noteworthy that the growing Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta land, electricity and other scarce elements and even severe "labor shortage" and "shortage of skilled workers, energy resources and environmental constraints. A considerable part of the labor-intensive and high energy - intensive companies is transferring to the South China region.

Layout view from the national industry of CNC machine tools, CNC cutting machine tools to the transfer of southern China, not only in line with the law of transfer of technology gradient (the improvement and development of application technology with CNC cutting, CNC cutting machine is suitable for the South China development), but also conducive to the promotion of coastal industrial upgrade and promote the development of the South China manufacturing. Actively preparing to take the initiative to undertake coastal industrial transfer is an important opportunity to accelerate the development of each region of South China.

Central is also clear that the countries South China's development strategy unswervingly; Support of southern China is not weakened. Especially long-term treasury bonds for construction of future national budget for investment and special construction funds to continue to tilt to the southern China will increase. At the same time continue to strengthen the South China key project construction and rural infrastructure facilities, basic education and public health in southern China financial support and other social undertakings.

The above four factors will make the future of South China CNC cutting machine industry has shown a good development prospects. The next five years, if the South China CNC cutting machine industry in the country's proportion of 10-15 percentage points higher, CNC cutting machine industry in South China will likely increase by 2-3 hundred billion yuan of output value.

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