
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Global plastic mold industry promising and trends

Since the beginning of 2012, China's macroeconomic atmosphere suddenly tense. Inflation, electricity shortage, drought and other words often found in newspapers. Material costs and labor costs rise, increasing pressure on the development of enterprises of metal plastic. But for them how to deal with the pressure to survive, get out of the development dilemma, to achieve turn crises into opportunities?
International Mould & Metal & Plastic Industry Suppliers Association Secretary-General Luo Baihui think that in response to the current market situation, Chinese small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises need a careful analysis of the industry operating rules, to grasp the future trends, and adjust the marketing strategy countermeasures and develop e-commerce in the industrial transformation upgrade of strategic opportunities, fulfill the grand blueprint of the bigger and stronger.
With the rapid development of Internet, e-commerce industry platform model demonstrated tremendous explosive force. This model of manufacturer - supplier - consumer industrial chain closely linked throughout. The supply chain is the process from the creation of value-added to realize the value, producers and consumers fully integrated. International Mould & Die Council bring e-commerce into the mold machinery and hardware & plastic industrial chain. Interoperability and cooperation between enterprises and e-commerce organizations can make prices more transparent to minimize the intermediate links, to reduce transaction costs at the same time, improve the enterprise economic benefits. The same time, e-commerce use the Internet to shape a wide coverage. The convenient transaction invisible market, physical market and the invisible market can seamless combination. Mold machinery, hardware, plastics industry and worldwide industry technology docking; optimize the configuration mold machinery, metal plastics industry supply chain and value chain, helping enterprises to complete the industry upgrade.
The modern mechanical plastic hardware mold market is very active, plastic hardware products will become the new hot spots of consumption and new economic growth point. Plastic hardware industry is China's traditional industries which also grow a number of potential small and medium enterprises. In the current competitive environment, relying on the original advantage can no longer meet modern trading needs of reducing costs, and profit maximization. Speeding
​​up the development of electronic commerce has become the inevitable choice for plastic and metal industry challenges of economic globalization, to grasp the initiative, to improve the international competitiveness.

Luo pointed out that the twenty-first century e-commerce will become the main engine of growth of metal plastic machinery mold industry trade.
Cruel market realities and competitive situation in the metal & plastic industry has pushed chain related businesses to the brink. Face of pressure from the international market, domestic hardware plastics companies need to overcome the high raw material prices, an increasingly competitive market, excess capacity and other unfavorable factors, positively change business model. The use of modern network highlight the invisible functioning of markets to achieve physical market, the invisible markets simultaneously to expand sales channels, tap the business potential, and actively explore the international market.

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