
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Vigorously Improving the High-End Cutting Products Market, China Have Achieved Remarkable Results

Although the China domestic tool market share of 2/3 occupy the leading position of the tool consumer market in China, but high-end domestic cutters stand for modern and efficient tool are only 20 billion, while most of 11 billion Yuan imports cutter tools are high-end tool. This should take the domestic tool companies into account. 

In recent years, our high-end manufacturing technology development brings new requirements to cutter tool. For example, automotive tool must have high efficiency, high stability and special characteristics. While forward as the car industry continues to evolvement, new requirements emerged. From the technical point of view, there are overloaded, complex, specialized, standardized, and high-speed and trend of diversification of species. With titanium, high temperature alloy processing material widely used in aerospace manufacturing, and how to the correct choice, how to rational use of the tool for efficient high-quality cutting has become a very important industry topic.

In fact, the import tool is basically accounted for the high-end users of the machining industry, especially in the automotive engine manufacturing plant, aircraft engine manufacturing enterprises processing plant or turbine manufacturing plant, high efficiency, high-precision machining tool is almost the monopolized by import tool. It is difficult to see the trace of the domestic cutting machine. China cutting machine is mostly used in the customer base, low requirements, such as agricultural machinery, motorcycles, agricultural vehicles, machinery and middle and low mechanical manufacturing industry.

Moreover, manufacturing, extensive development led to the development of machine tools and tool is extremely uneven, statistics show that the developed countries CNC machine and tool consumption ratio of 2:1. The traditional tools of market demand for long-term high, and this is an important reason for many tool companies do not want to enter the production of advanced and efficient tool.

Meanwhile, we must face up to the gap between the tool enterprises and foreign enterprises, including the underlying technology, innovation, promotion capacity and service capabilities. User needs and tool companies should be become an innovation-led. The leading enterprises in the field of technology should play a good job in leading and exemplary role. However, the key enterprises and excellent private enterprises take a very encouraging step in the domestic part in the development of modern and efficient tool. These enterprises pay attention to technological progress, the service first and achieved remarkable results in the relevant fields.

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