
Thursday, September 6, 2012

CNC machine tool industry Investigation and sale data Analysis of May 2012

CNC machine tools industries run better than the overall industry. CNC cutting machine tool production in China in May is 21,000 units, down 14% of sales year-on-year. The decline level was essentially flat with April which suggests that the CNC cutting machine tools in a certain extent is on the bottoming. 

Machine tool industry purchase further decline. Data show that the cutting machine tool production in China in May is 68,400 units, down 21% year-on-year decline (April decline of 16%) compared with April; forming machine production of 21,000 units in May, the decline was 10% the decline was more than in April (April decline was 8%), and the May run data is in line with our expectations.

About The CNC drilling machine, CNC drilling machine production in May is 1,200 units, a year-on-year 34% decline, a decrease more than in April (April decline is 24%), but compared with the CNC cutting machine tools, CNC drilling machine tool industry scale is smaller, less representative. 

Ring data indicates that the industry may be about to hit the bottom. CNC cutting machine tools production rose 2% indicate cutting machine tool industry is gradually warmed up. CNC drilling machine in China in May rose 1%, also shows a warming trend of CNC drilling machine industry in China. 

The machine tool industry is after the cycle industry, pre macroeconomic stimulus policies spread to the machine tool industry will take some time. The machine tool industry is expected in June will continue to show a year-on-year declines situation.

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